Wednesday, March 26, 2025

BOCC faces packed agenda

Staff Writer | October 8, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — A lengthy agenda is scheduled for this week’s Bonner County commissioners Tuesday morning meeting.

No agenda items were submitted by commissioners this week so the three will be hearing from multiple county departments. The commissioners are set to hear from the county’s public defender in regards to a defender and attorney contract for 2024. Human Resources will also come before the commissioners with the topic of PacificSource plan updates and amendments.

The county treasurer’s office will come before the commissioners with a resolution as well as multiple requests to pay excess sale funds for various topics. Bonner County EMS will have a few monetary requests and the prosecutor is set to request a contract renewal for services with the city of Sandpoint.

Additionally, the airport will be requesting the approval of a resolution and Emergency Management will come before commissioners with a memorandum of understanding with SPOT, a regional bus system.

There are no executive sessions scheduled for Tuesday’s meeting.

Board of Bonner County Commission meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 U.S. 2; and livestreamed via YouTube. To access the streams, visit the Bonner County YouTube page at