Sunday, January 05, 2025

Bonner County History - Oct. 10, 2023

| October 10, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 10, 1973 – BIRTHS

Oct. 2 – Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mooney, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 5 oz.; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kitt, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 11 oz.; Oct. 4 – Mr. and Mrs. Dale Munson, Sandpoint, boy, 8 lb. 7½ oz.; Oct. 6 – Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Costich, Sandpoint, girl, 8 lb. 8½ oz.; Oct. 7 – Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jahn, Priest River, boy, 7 lb. 10¾ oz.; Oct. 7 – Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hubbard, Sandpoint, boy, 7 lb. 11 oz.



Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gunter honeymooned in Banff, Alberta, after their Sept. 22 wedding in First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Gunter is the former Crystal Moline. The couple’s parents, all of Sagle, are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Moline and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Gunter. The couple resides at Albeni Falls.



Heat from a clothes dryer set off a sprinkler system at Sandpoint Manor Thursday. Fire Chief Wade Brown reported only minor water damage. There was no blaze.



The Great Pumpkin is coming! Sagle Boy Scout Troop 199 will sell pumpkins and squashes door to door Saturday, with proceeds used to help pay for canoes bought at the Boy Scout Jamboree. The troop will also carve pumpkins for young patients in Bonner General Hospital on Halloween night.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 10, 1948 – POKER RULED OUT

Officers McRoberts and Millsap of the state liquor squad served notice Tuesday that poker games at the Pastime and Eagle must be discontinued or arrests will follow. The state law prohibits gambling, but for a number of years there has been no move to enforce it so far as poker playing is concerned in local card rooms. Pangingi and other card games not involving stakes are not affected.



D.A. [Dale] Harris, optometrist, has opened an office in Sandpoint on the main floor of the Farmin Building on Second Avenue [at Cedar St.]. Harris, a Pacific university graduate, came here from Forest Grove, Ore., where he had lived for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and their children, Stephani, 3, and Jeffrey, 6, are making their home at 516 Oak street.



The first residential installation of radiant heat is now in operation at the Kenneth Cramer home, 208 south Boyer. Cramer, who is associated with his father, S.M. Cramer, plumbing and heating contractor, said the radiant heat panels are installed in the floor which is a concrete slab. “The home is very comfortable with this type of heat at 70 degrees temperature,” said Mr. Cramer. So far we find it very satisfactory and like it very much.”

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