Thursday, March 06, 2025

Keep to the facts on Open Primary Initiative

| October 10, 2023 1:00 AM

Every time I look at the opinion page of the Daily Bee, I see a concentrated letter-writing campaign designed to promote the newest woke left effort to disenfranchise conservatives. 

For example, the latest submission by Trecy Carpenter plays fast and loose with the truth. The term "open primaries" is a lie. "I wonder if he (Scott Herndon) is against it because he may not be elected under this system." This is not a fact; it's just a low-level insult. 

To imagine that 270,000 Idaho voters can't vote is simply another lie. Of course, they can vote. If they are unaffiliated with a political party, they can choose to wait for the actual election. I would also like to point out that they are not Democratic Party voters by choice. Did you ever consider that they don't like your leftist philosophy?

This is just another tactic of the left: create a problem that didn't previously exist, dummy up a solution, and then try to force it down our throats "for our own good." This is a typical ploy from the socialist playbook so evident in politics now.

Trecy talks about her take on elections as something "that will give us better government that will represent the majority." This is clearly an attempt to install government, according to her opinion, and it has nothing to do with altruism or love of country and has everything to do with destroying conservatives in Idaho. Just more lying. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. 

As one of the "narrow stilted few" whom you so obviously despise, I will call out every lie I see in this letter-writing campaign for "open primaries."

