Sunday, January 05, 2025

No response is a response

| October 17, 2023 1:00 AM

As the campaigns gain momentum for the upcoming Nov. 7 election, I would encourage voters in the West Bonner County School District to pay attention to the candidates' meet-and-greets.

Candidates who have a vested interest in running for their positions should speak for themselves and answer direct questions from constituents. If said candidates are allowing moderators and only specific questions to be addressed, how will they hold a place on a school board?

If candidates cannot speak to how they are actually qualified, i.e., backgrounds in business, management, finance, or leadership, then that should be a response voters need to be wary of.

A candidate who is running for the right reasons — to support West Bonner County’s public education system, our administrators, staff, and students — will be transparent in their responses to the voters.

Remember, no response is a response.  

