Sunday, January 19, 2025

Deb Ruehle

| October 21, 2023 1:00 AM


Profession: Physical Therapist

Educational background: Masters Degree in Physical Therapy, Emory University 1995

How many years as a Bonner County resident: 20 this coming April

Marital status: Single

Family: Oldest son is a Freshman at BSU in the honors program; younger son is a Senior at SHS and the ASB President.


  1. Reinvigorating committees; amendments to the Multimodal Transportation Plan; building code changes.
    • The new sewage treatment plant, although not glamorous, or often discussed in the community, is of great importance. We need to maintain our water quality, and the quality of life this community enjoys in, around, and on the Lake. Moving forward with the plan for the treatment plant in a timely fashion is important. There would be a precipitous decline in the monetary value of our community, our homes and our businesses if the timeline for the plant becomes significantly delayed.
    • The Multimodal Transportation Plan has deficiencies that the community is very frustrated with. The plan needs to have amendments made that align with the residents needs and desires.
    • The Downtown Waterfront Design document needs to ensure that code changes will be made addressing building heights. Designs should integrate seamlessly into the simple rural nature of our community without being flamboyant.
    • Make sure the sewage treatment plant plan stay on its timeline.
    • Work to bring amendments forward on the Multimodal Plan.
    • Work to amend building code as part of the Downtown Waterfront Plan
  2. I would like to strengthen and re-energize Sandpoint’s citizen committees. By working with city council the committees need to be empowered to be a more effective tool in supporting city staff, engaging with elected officials, and helping the city to improve connections with residents. 
  3. The city isn’t getting everything right and there are still items that need work and improvement, like streets/pavement/sidewalks/paths, it’s a process that is quite often slower than anyone would like it to be. I believe the city has done a great job in protecting the watershed through the Watershed Master Plan and The Watershed Recreation Master Plan. Erosive social trails, and old poorly designed mountain biking trails are being decommissioned to protect water quality. The James Russell Center will break ground in October and will be a great asset for the children of our community.
  4. Housing is our number 1 challenge. Let’s make the Sandpoint Housing Authority a reality and through that entity, build relationships with other community groups in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, to come up with real solutions and options to provide housing for our residents.
  5. The building of the new sewage treatment plant, refer to the three most significant issues question.
  6. I am not running for county office, but I agree there is tension within the county. I encourage all residents to connect with others during activities they have in common and build relationships with their neighbors. Focus on having some fun for a change and be flexible.
  7. There are so many kind, caring people here, they will just invite you into their homes, volunteering and giving is off the charts in this community. My favorite place is the watershed and the developing trail network, but there is nothing like a hot summer night on the rock beach at the base of the Monarchs.
  8. Mountain bike the local trails, volunteer time to build the trails and support the fundraising efforts, nordic and alpine skiing at Schweitzer in the winter, travel our beautiful state while whitewater kayaking,
  9. Yes, absolutely more than once. The point of the council is to be a good listener and have discussion and debate this makes our community stronger. Former council members Eddy and Aiken and their exposure to different points of view and residents in the community have allowed me to have greater insight and change a vote. The current council has also had good insight on many motions that have been in front of us. Most recently it was a planning appeal that came before the council.
  10. My parents instilled a strong sense of volunteerism for community. My mother gave me a sense of kindness and giving to all and my father instilled the drive in my nature.
  11. To treat everyone with respect no matter your differences.
  12. Will you have time to read all your materials and come prepared to meetings. Yes.
  13. Because I understand how to work through the governmental procedures to accomplish change. I am dedicated, detail oriented and I am the only candidate with institutional knowledge.