Sunday, March 16, 2025

Elizabeth Glazier

| October 21, 2023 1:00 AM


Profession: Financial Advisor

Educational background: Bachelor’s Degree from Iowa State University (2009)

How many years as a Bonner County resident: 14-plus

Marital status: Married

Family: Husband, Shaun Glazier, two sons 11 and 8 (WBCSD students)


  1. This depends on the status of the Forensic Audit. Hopefully it’ll be completed by then and we’ll have suggested changes that we can act upon. We have so many issues at WBCSD, it’s easy to want to focus on the low handing fruit. However, I’d like to see us as a Board focus on regaining the community’s trust by being more transparent, especially regarding our financial details and any policy adjustments. We have a long road to hoe, but I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get busy!
  2. • Transparency – we need to regain community trust and support. • Curriculum Selection – we are still operating without a literacy program at WBCSD. Teachers are having to improvise in and piece mil a curriculum using outdated materials. • Attendance, Graduation and Test Metrics – we need to wrap our arms and heads around a better way in engage our students, especially in the higher grade levels. We have to prioritize preparing our students for continued education and/ or the workforce.
  3. • Transparency – I’d like to see us start a newsletter from the Board to the community. I’d also like to see the Board have more engaging conversations with our students, teachers, staff, parents, and community members. We HAVE to be listeners first in order to make efficient changes. • Curriculum Selection – We have a Curriculum Director and I have zero doubts that she is working diligently with the Curriculum Selection Committee to bring forward suggestions. • Attendance, Graduation and Test Metrics – I would like to understand the timeline of our decelerated scores and attendance. While impactful, we cannot continue to blame COVID. Also, in order to fix it, we have to understand how the metrics are reported (ie: graduation rate).
  4. As a self-employed entrepreneur, I am used to being available to people. I will continue to be available to not only my zone 3 constituents but also the rest of the district. I’m eager to listen and learn and will respond to all inquiries.
  5. The last 18 months have been very hard to watch. I think we are shifting in the right direction and would like to have a role in WBCSD’s comeback story! I think the majority of our community is very actively engaged and concerned about the future of our students and district. Let’s use that to work together and achieve great things!
  6. Right now, we have seemingly forgotten how to work together. This is going to take many hands and hearts. Luckily, WBCSD is full of amazingly talented, intelligent, and helpful people. I happily encourage their involvement. If you have a specialty (skill or knowledge) that you’re willing to share, please step forward and offer it to the district. We could use more helpers, volunteers, mentors, substitute teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria staff, etc. Together we’ll achieve more.
  7. My background entails working with numbers; inventory, financial investments, budgets, etc. I have the skills that it will take to improve upon our fiscal status. I have no doubts that my being on the Board would help immensely with our accounting practices. I am willing to use what I know to make improvements.
  8. Transparency has become a buzz word in our community but that’s because people feel like it’s greatly lacking. As previously stated, I’d like to see the Board communicate outwardly into the community versus only being a recipient of information. The Board has a huge role in the district and part of that role should include clear, consistent, communications. One idea would be to release a monthly or quarterly newsletter. People shouldn’t feel like they have to come to a, sometimes rather long, meeting in order to find out what’s happening in our schools. We can do better.
  9. Priest River feels like home. I truly feel like my heart beats truest here. We are so fortunate to be able to raise our boys in the mountains and on the water. I love our little bustling community, its people, and its beauty.
  10. I spend a lot of my free time volunteering. I am the president of the American Legion Auxiliary (Post 155, Oldtown), and the Secretary of the Priest River Elementary PTO. I am also a member of Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce, MOPS, Site Council, and the Priest River Animal Rescue. When I’m not at work, volunteering, or at my son’s sporting events, you can find me thrift shopping, lounging by the water, hosting family events at our home, or sipping lattes at Infinity Café.
  11. Absolutely! Candidly, I used to be anti-levies before I came to understand WHY we have them. I grew up in an area where we didn’t have school levies, so I had to take the time (and open my mind), to new information. I find that many people in our area are confused and/ or frustrated in regards to the levy. I now support levies but more importantly than that, I support the voters getting the chance to vote on levies.
  12. God, my momma and my husband. I have the most supportive people in my life! I am encouraged, inspired, loved, and appreciated. I have had to overcome many obstacles in life, but I am thankful for the opportunities that brought so much self-growth and improvement. Without those times, I would not be able to stand firmly in my beliefs. I know exactly who and whose I am.
  13. Accountability. It’s okay to make mistakes, to change your mind, to be wrong. But it’s not okay to take accountability for those mistakes or to blame others. We need a Board of learners, investigators, communicators, and those who, without a doubt, support public education.
  14. Q: What do you currently and consistently do to make a positive impact on our schools and community? A: (I feel like I’ve said this a lot already, but…) I am and have been an active and integral part of the Priest River Community. I volunteer my time in several organizations and schools. I support our small businesses, our teachers, staff, and students. I am proud to call Priest River my home.
  15. Because I’m a person of action. I will attend meetings, I will speak up, I will listen, I will ask questions, I will do whatever it takes to move our district forward. I am invested in this community and this district. I live, work, and play right here in Priest River. I am a proud, active community member and promise to do nothing but my best!