Reinbold dedicated to protecting, educating our kids
My vote is for Troy Reinbold as trustee for West Bonner County School District No. 83 in Zone 3.
Thank you, Troy, for standing firm in your commitment to values that keep our school district accountable in finances, curriculum, and policies. You didn’t engage in uncontrolled outbursts at the school board meetings and were not coerced to give in to that mentality. "A fool utters all his mind, but a wise man keeps it in until afterward." (Proverbs 29:11)
I attended a meet-and-greet with Troy and found him to be open and engaged with his audience. He understands the issues at hand and will continue to be diligent in preventing social emotional learning and social justice teaching from creeping into our curriculum. Troy is for a full and complete forensic audit to clarify the questionable bookkeeping practices that appear to have been ignored by previous administrations. Troy stressed his concern with bullying and suicide incidents and will continue to promote policies to create a healthy and caring environment to prevent suicides in our young children. Troy promotes policies to keep our children safe, with boys being boys and girls being girls, and not being swayed by the changing culture.
If you want someone to promote policies to protect and educate our children to become productive members of society, then vote for Troy Reinbold.
Priest River