Friday, January 31, 2025

Tanya Becker

| October 21, 2023 1:00 AM

Tanya Marie Becker


Profession: Retired Morning Show producer and co-host, Retired Volunteer Firefighter

Educational background: Ponderosa High School, broadcasting, communications, production trade schools

How many years as a Bonner County resident: 17-plus

Marital status: Married

Family: Husband Wayne Becker, together we have 6 children and 9 grandchildren


  1. To help facilitate our cities plan to improve our infrastructure. Specifically, the safety of our streets and roadways. I would do my best to participate and encourage any plans to combat our cities drug related issues and the priority to keep our Sheriff’s department actively involved.
    • Lack of community involvement for the city’s future. (Everyone should be heard)
    • Our Children’s Safety as we face growing pains. (Children's Safety is always significant)
    • Our Local Volunteer Fire Department’s resources as again we have more calls and more growth in our city and surrounding area. (Fire departments are relied on especially VOLUNTEER ran departments)
    • I would find innovative ways to help engage and to encourage the public to participate in our city’s future and decision-making process.
    • To be aware and familiar with the needs and resources we have. We must ensure our children’s safety. Grants for sidewalks, speed reduction signs, drug awareness programs are a few of many ideas.
    • I would work closely with the Fire Department’s Chief to understand the department’s needs. Find ways to encourage recruiting new volunteers as our city is growing, we need that reassurance that our fire department maintains their professionalism and great time response as well.
  2. Make myself available, LISTEN with an open mind and reassure them that they have a city council body ready to help them at any given time.
  3. Yes, the current city council’s priorities align with all my concerns and more. Including all public safety issues.
  4. I am unaware of any pressing issues in this race. If they should arise, I am perfectly capable of acting responsibly address said issues.
  5. We need to address the big elephant in the room. Drug and alcohol related crime/crimes. For the public’s safety as well as identifying where drugs like fentanyl, heroin and meth are coming from.
  6. I would first have to identify what the core of the tension stems from before I could resolve the tension. I’d like to think I could easily come up with a comforting solution or idea for all.
  7. For myself it’s the adventures of our beautiful nature. I am an avid big game hunter who loves to boat, fish and do a bit of huckleberry picking.  Smiling faces great me everywhere from our business to passer’s bye. And there’s no place better to be than in our little city on the Fourth of July.  Very patriotic and close knit.  What more could anyone possibly want? 
  8. I enjoy gardening, canning, practicing my banjo and spending time with my family and friends.
  9. In this situation I am always willing to look at both sides and give considerable thought to why I would oppose.
  10. My Father.  Growing up as “The Sheriff’s” daughter in a very similar small town he taught me morals, ethics and values. To work hard and to believe in myself. His motto “Always be kind, it might save your life” will forever ring in my ears. He also taught me to fend for myself. Hunting, fishing and to be self-sufficient. 
  11. Honesty, integrity and a willingness to serve.
  12. Would you be committed to your position? Yes! Always be available, take my responsibilities seriously and completely fulfill my oath of office.
  13. I’m dedicated and open minded.  I will go out of my way to make sure your voice is heard, and I can certainly handle whatever might be thrown my way with a level head. I will do my best to serve Clark Fork and its people with our constitutional rights and try to keep that small town vibe during the growth we are enduring.