Sunday, January 05, 2025

Bonner County History - Oct. 22, 2023

| October 22, 2023 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Thursday’s annual SHS Football Festival came off without a hitch at Memorial Field despite a valiant effort by Mother Nature to dampen spirits. In driving rain, the SHS Ponderettes and advisor Marianne Brown put on the festivities capped by a “Cotton Barlow-This is Your Life” experience that left the crowd smiling at the white-topped coach’s sterling football history. Among those paying tribute to Cotton were Mayor Les Brown and football great Jerry Kramer. Kramer, who played high school football under Cotton, was unable to attend, but sent a telegram that was read to the delight of his former coach and those attending. The SHS band pierced the chill night air with fight songs as cheerleaders whipped the crowd into a pre-game frenzy. The Ponderettes switched roles with the football team and took to the field in a gridiron battle. At the other end of the switch, the SHS football team performed a “precision” drill. High point of the evening was the introduction of Football Festival Queen candidates Lea Sammons, Nita Jacobson, Theresa Travers, Sue Brown, and Candy Crabb. Friday night, Candy cried tears of happiness as she was named Football Festival Queen during halftime ceremonies at the game between the Bulldogs and Coeur d’Alene.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 22, 1948 – 55 IN SWIM CAMPAIGN

There were 55 registered in the Hope Red Cross swim campaign. Certificates given were: Beginner–Carl Miller, John Miller, Marilyn Butler; Intermediate–Janet Butler, Patsy Rojan, Janice Crisp, Janet Croy, Delano Engblom, Art Croy, Carol Rojan, Don Butler, Susie Crisp; Swimmer–Bud Van Stone, Bill Van Stone, Barbara Yaryan, Henry Gabel; Jr. lifesaving–Edith Nieland, Theresa Hartman, Claudia Martin; Senior lifesaving–Ida Mae Peterson, Irene Nieland.



Stage line service is being restored between Sandpoint and Clark Fork, with Joseph Brashear as operator. In reinaugurating the service, Brashear is reentering a business operated by his father, pioneer Clark Fork merchant William Brashear, who operated the line for many years. Joe presently is still in the army, but expects to be discharged in less than a month, when he will begin actively managing the stage line. He has secured a new 16-passenger Dodge bus for the line, and will make two round trips daily between Sandpoint and Clark Fork.



Progress is being made in the $90,000 remodeling of the Elks lodge building [in 2023, Jalapeno’s Mexican Restaurant]. Besides adding a basement with four bowling alleys, the south half of the first floor was totally revamped. The old card room was moved to the basement and a new 30 foot bar is being built. The first floor ceiling was lowered several feet. The old gym will be a dining room and cabaret with a modern kitchen and the dining room will have a central dance floor surrounded by tables.

For more information, visit the museum online at