Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Omodt named new BOCC chairman

Staff Writer | October 24, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — District 3 Bonner County Commissioner Luke Omodt was chosen early last week to replace Commissioner Steve Bradshaw as the chairman of the board of commissioners.

On Oct. 9, the commissioners held a meeting to discuss Bradshaw stepping down from the chair and offering the position to one of the other two commissioners. It’s alleged that Bradshaw’s decision to give up the chair came after a recent temporary restraining order was filed against him by Commissioner Asia Williams.

Omodt — the prior vice chair — has previously stepped in at weekly commissioners meetings to act as a temporary chair when Bradshaw has been absent. The motion went into a vote Monday and passed in a 2-1 vote, with Williams abstaining.

“I am lucky to serve Bonner County and am focused on civility, public safety and protecting the taxpayer,” the new chairman said.

Omodt is expected to serve as the new chair of the board of commissioners until January 2025 when his term ends.