Sunday, January 05, 2025

Schreiber is right pick for Sandpoint

| October 24, 2023 1:00 AM

In just six short years, Kyle Schreiber has contributed more time and energy into city government issues than I have in my 24 years of residence. He has participated in every opportunity for public review and comment on projects, from the couplet to housing, infrastructure to walkability, and the downtown revisioning competitions. And he is asking for the opportunity to contribute even more as a Sandpoint City Council member.

Since becoming a Sandpoint resident, Kyle has been a regular City Council meeting attendee. He researches agenda items, asks questions, and offers a fresh perspective with his comments. Kyle has experienced, first-hand, the challenge of securing housing in Sandpoint and offers concrete ideas for collaborating with our current housing agency, the enforcement of existing rental ordinances, and incentives for local homeowners to support housing for local workers. He recognizes that city infrastructure, especially the sewage treatment plant and city streets, need immediate attention.

Kyle wants the opportunity to demonstrate transparency and responsiveness in solving current issues. He understands the dynamics of collaboration and the importance of community involvement when major changes are proposed. Kyle is committed to doing the research, reaching out to city staff and community members, and working collaboratively to establish priorities. He will help the city of Sandpoint focus on issues that matter most. 

