Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Sandpoint Film Festival to feature diverse entries

Staff Writer | October 26, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The 11th annual Sandpoint Film Festival will feature 31 entries from across the globe, featuring everything from light-hearted fare to human rights and environmental issues.

The films were selected out of 2,010 entries; the festival will be held Sunday, Oct. 29.

Different films will be shown in two blocks, one from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and another from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Doors to the Panida Theater, where the event will take place, will open 30 minutes prior to each time block.

Featured films will be from various geographical locations including the United States, Dubai, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Russia. Three of the featured entries were made by North Idaho filmmakers.

“Many of the submissions are based on human rights and protection of the earth and our resources,” Janice Jarzabek, a member of the Sandpoint Films Board, said. She highlighted some of the films that will be showcased.

Among the films are “Open Sesame,” a film from Lebanon regarding a bank heist where citizens demand access to their own savings. “Toy,” a Greek film, that is a delightful fantasy of an unexpected encounter with an unassuming incognito Santa, Jarzabek said. “Mugging,” which originates in New Jersey, is a comedy about health restrictions imposed in 2020. A Ukrainian film called “I Am Yours” is a choreographed short of a couple navigating their way through the current obstacles and challenges.

“This year, Sandpoint Film Festival will be honoring Erik Daarstad, his contribution to the film industry and his importance to the community of Sandpoint,” Jarzavbek said. “Jimmy Matlosz will screen his interview with Erik in block two 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.”

A donation of $10 is suggested for each block, she said. Films are all rated G, PG or PG-13. There will be an audience choice award ballot for the two blocks.