Finding refuge for those recovering from addiction
One of the hardest things to experience in life is a loved one who is bound to an addiction.
For many of us, like myself, we were addicts who couldn’t help but try and escape the pain we lived in through some type of substance or experience. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t personally know someone who has either been or is an addict. For many addicts, the despair that addiction brings to their lives involves broken relationships, and painful consequences in some form.
Thankfully there are many recovery groups available in our area for people to find the support they need to stay sober and help their lives heal. When some are at their lowest, they need a refuge, a place they can go to get away from the temptations of friends, and even family who live a lifestyle that isn’t conducive to recovery.
Several years ago, an organization was started to help house people in high-risk situations get free from their addictions in a safe and sober environment. Freedom House was born, and shortly after the Sweet Magnolia Women’s House began taking in women in need of safe and sober housing from drug court and the community. Today Freedom House also has Bethesda Men’s House. These programs are Christ-centered with the aim of making disciples, and seeing people walk into their freedom with a foundation of knowing the love, grace, forgiveness, and empowerment of Jesus.
Our church has supported Freedom House since it’s start, and we are excited to host a cornhole tournament and fundraiser for this amazing cause Saturday, Nov. 4 from 12 to 4 p.m. If you want to play or support, go to We know that our community needs healed men and women thriving and we can all do our part to continue making this happen.
Jesus was moved by the hurting, the bound, and the diseased of His day with deep compassion. In Matthew 9:36 it says, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them because they were bewildered and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
In Matthew 14:14 the Scriptures say, “As He got out He saw the large crowd, and He had compassion on them and healed their sick.” Jesus was moved by compassion, and He took action to heal those in need. My prayer is that we would all have compassion like Christ and do our part in helping the lost and hurting in our community heal through the love and power of Jesus.
Chris Bassett is the senior pastor at Harvest Valley Worship Center. The church can be found online at