Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Library helping community make 'Natural Connections'

Staff Writer | October 27, 2023 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Herbal workshops, tea blending, a seed exchange and a music class are just a few of the things happening at a “Natural Connections” event hosted by the East Bonner County Library District on Saturday. 

Different workshops will be held at different times throughout the day. Starting at 10 a.m., attendees will have the chance to participate in a “Fall to Winter” tea blending workshop. Hands-on guidance will be provided by herbalist Laura Clemmons. Library officials said participants will get to “taste and sample their own creations.”

At 12 p.m., the library will host a community seed exchange and social hour, for which guests are encouraged to bring their own brown bag lunch. 

“Bring your garden-grown seed to exchange with the community or choose from the library’s selection,” the library’s website said. “The library will provide envelopes and markers for your use.”

At 1 p.m., Clemmons will lead a “magical potions and elixirs” session. Participants will learn how to use herbs, crystals and other ingredients to craft their own mixtures.

“This class invites you to embrace the magic of potion-making, a craft that knows no season but finds its zenith during this time of year,” Joyce Jowdy, community engagement and adult programming coordinator at the library said. “As Samhain (Halloween), the cross-quarter celebration between the fall equinox and the winter solstice, approaches, we’ll embark on a journey to create elixirs that honor tradition, ceremony, and the thinning of the veil between worlds.”

Lastly, Jean Gerth, a local musician, will be teaching a workshop. Those hoping to attend are encouraged to bring an instrument if they have one and familiarize themselves with the songs, “Bury Me Beneath the Willow” (any version) , “Cold Cold heart” by Hank Williams, “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash,  and “Cripple Creek” by The Band. 

The event will take place in the community rooms at the Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St.