Sunday, January 05, 2025

Stop and hear the community now

| October 31, 2023 1:00 AM

The Travers Park playset is on the city's chopping block for a poorly designed makeover on artificial grass next to the parking lot. This will cost $560,000 of Sandpoint tax revenue to match a $560,000 grant from the state. 

That million dollars should instead be used to add features to the existing playset, leaving a large chunk of money for other park improvements. Every summer, local softball teams pay a $600 fee to play on fields riddled with sinkholes. 

The city’s excuses are riddled, too, with spin suggesting this was “data-driven.” Council members turned their backs on a petition with over 400 local parents and park users, with another 3,000 signatures (majority local) online.

Now the council claims they should’ve gotten more input. Great, hear us now. Stop the destruction! Don’t say you hear us and then continue. The city has $7.5 million from which to pay charge-orders. Better to skip fancy donor walls than lose the entire community’s trust!

If this goes forward, be done with Kate McAlister and Deb Ruehl. They failed us, and our children. Vote for Kyle Schrieber, Pam Duquette, and Elle Susnis, who’d not allow this mess to develop. Vote for Jeremy Grimm, who has the strength and knowledge to rid us of the master manipulator Jennifer Stapleton.

