Thursday, September 19, 2024

When you are in great need

by PASTOR BUD McCONNAUGHEY / Contributing Writer
| September 8, 2023 1:00 AM

Tell me honestly, deep down, how is it with your soul?

Are you anesthetizing your troubling thoughts with a frenetic pursuit of recreation, hobbies, drugs, alcohol, video gaming, porn, or an endless stream of dysfunctional relationships? Maybe it is binge watching of movies or sports on streaming services? Will your epitaph read, he or she entertained themselves to death? As Dr. Phil has so famously asked, “How’s that working for you?”

Several churches in our community and in Bonners Ferry cooperate to offer Celebrate Recovery. Did you know that roughly 70% of participants come to Celebrate for things other than alcohol or drugs?

So how and why does Celebrate Recovery work? It’s no secret. The steps and principles of recovery are derived from Biblical discipleship. The first three steps focus on reconciliation with God, the next three steps involve reconciliation with self, then the next work on reconciliation with others. The last steps teach the practices of good habits including serving others and giving back. I encourage you to take seven minutes to view this YouTube video —

Why does this work for some but not others? I have come to some conclusions after working with people for years and discussing reasons with others. Major reasons include skipping steps or lack of commitment to fully invest in a person’s own recovery. Denial that there is a brokenness to confront or fear of change can be factors too. False pride seems to be a big stumbling block.

Celebrate Recovery is a close-knit community of followers of Jesus who learn to care and help one another. Real friendships can be found and real help when you are struggling with the hardships of life.

Celebrate Recovery meets Tuesday nights at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and 6:15 for meeting at Parkside Church (formerly named The Assembly), 423 N. Lincoln; and Friday nights at The Nazarene Church, 477954 U.S. 95 north of Sandpoint. Celebrate Recovery also meets in Bonners Ferry at the Limitless Church Outpost, 6690 Main St., at the same listed times.

Do you have a hurt that nags you? Do you have a hang-up that won’t go away? Do you have a habit that feels like it controls you rather than you controlling it? Try Celebrate Recovery.

Bud McConnaughey serves on the staff of North Summit Church, 201 N. Division Ave. in Sandpoint.