Bonner County History - April 2, 2024
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 2, 1974 – BULLDOGS HONORED
The SHS wrestling squad and the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams were honored at the annual Winter Sports Banquet Monday at the Elks. Bulldog Coach Ron Hunt presented junior center Bill Malone the coveted Sayers MVP trophy, an honor he gained through the votes of his fellow players. Cagin’ Queen coach Holly Aldridge presented a new award to Starla Rigby, the most valuable girls’ basketball player. Bulldog wrestling coach Chuck Schoonover presented the Ralph Walter Memorial Trophy to Dan Lyons, most inspirational wrestler. Co-captains for each sport were also announced: boys’ basketball, Dell Hatch and Bill Malone; girls’ basketball, Janet Snedden and Hanna Munson; and wrestling, Dan Smith (co-captain) and Mark Lyons (captain).
The Jack & Jill kindergarten has just culminated its social studies unit on Native Americans. Braves and Maidens in the class are Angela Austin, Susie Deubel, Michelle Riffe, Shelly LeMay, Larry Cooper, Stacey Rosgen, Keith Felts, Eric Moe, Julie Robideaux, Terri Wall, Larissa Howell, Andrea Harbison, Joe Harper, Joanna Pearlstein, Angie Bastian, Randy Miller, Tony Haworth, Mary Ann McGovern, Jennifer Scott, Leon Albertson, Jack Campbell, Ted Holste, David Roberts, Mike McNaire, Scott Lies and Ross Reimer.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
April 2, 1949 – KSPT NOW ON THE AIR!
After months of battling construction problems in deep snow and subzero temperatures, Sandpoint’s new radio station, KSPT, is on the air. The station broadcasts on a wavelength of 1400 kilocycles and has 250 watts of power. Total cost was $20,000, said Norman Bauer, general manager. Other staff members are Dallas Bernard, chief engineer; Carl Hill, assistant engineer, George Edgar, program director; and Mrs. Norman Bauer, office manager.
Karen Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Savage, entertained friends Friday for her birthday. Following games, a delicious lunch, with cake and ice cream, was served at a table decorated in an Easter motif. Guests were Cherry Gregory, Deanna Moore, Karen Walker, Sally Sue Miller, Carleen and Junior Mikesell, Shirley Buck, Judy Jackson, Danny Savage, Marcia and Marilyn Dreier, Mrs. Buddy Moore, Mrs. George Gregory, Mickey Robbins and Mrs. W.H. Clintsman, Karen’s grandmother.
The Eagles lodge has begun a project to establish an active blood donor list to be available to local doctors and the hospital for emergencies. Files of donors and blood types will be kept by doctors and the Eagles lodge and each donor will carry a card with duplicate information. At present Dr. W.C. Hayden and Dr. Helen Peterson are the only physicians equipped to do the blood typing work.
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