Friday, July 26, 2024

WBCSD forensic audit's second phase completed

| April 2, 2024 1:00 AM

On March 20 the WBCSD Board of Trustees received the Phase 2 results from the 2019-23 forensic audit. Many voters said that they wouldn’t vote yes on a levy until the forensic audit was complete. So, now that it’s complete, will they be true to their word and vote yes May 21?  

Predictably, the forensic audit showed “no financial improprieties.” Since no fraudulent activity was found, will people who falsely accused current and former employees of criminality do the right thing and apologize to those they falsely accused?

The forensic audit did echo recommendations from past financial audits regarding where we need to fix our accounting practices. So, let's follow through on the recommendations while moving forward with future operations of the WBCSD.

Finally, I’m curious to see how people vote now that the truth is out. Let’s see who exhibits true Christian behavior by keeping their word and voting yes on the May 21 levy.

“… Whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.” 1 John 25

