Wednesday, March 26, 2025

DAR chapter honors Vietnam veterans

| April 5, 2024 1:00 AM

On Friday, March 29, the national Vietnam Veteran Recognition Day, members of the Wild Horse Trail Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution hosted a luncheon to honor the area's Vietnam veterans at the VFW Hall in Sandpoint. 

Veterans from Bonner and Boundary counties, along with their families and guests, attended the luncheon. Jeff Dunnum, president of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 890 in Sandpoint, was there to receive a proclamation from the city of Sandpoint, which had been read at the  Sandpoint City Council meeting March 20 and had been signed by Sandpoint Mayor Jeremy Grimm.

"These Vietnam veterans were greeted and honored with a heartfelt welcome home and thank you," said Susan Costa, regent of the Wild Horse Trail Chapter.

    Jeff Dunnum, president of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 890 in Sandpoint, accepts a proclamation from the city of Sandpoint honor local Vietnam veterans from Susan Costa, regent of the Wild Horse Trail Chapter. DAR members recently held a luncheon to honor local veterans.