Saturday, May 04, 2024

Beware of a self-righteous false prophet

| April 11, 2024 1:00 AM

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)

So let us not forget what Scott Herndon is really about.

Many of us who make the Farmer’s Market a Saturday ritual remember Herndon and kids with their graphic anti-abortion signs and bullhorn blasting Herndon’s ugliness. 

It was obvious to me that his kids did not want to be there. Nothing like having a controlling father who shoves his beliefs down his kid’s throats.

Herndon is good at using children to promote himself.

To get elected, Herndon lied about a man who served his country honorably while he himself ran from military service.

Herndon sued the Festival because they denied him entrance with a gun. In light of what has happened with gun shootings at concerts, would you want a gun nut carrying one there?

By suing the Festival, all Herndon achieved was wasting thousands of Bonner County and Sandpoint taxpayer’s money. He’s good at using others' money to serve his personal agenda.

Herndon has to run a stealth campaign because the truth be known means he will lose.

Herndon wants to use your tax dollars to fund religious schools. That would mean many Christian taxpayers would be funding religious schools they don’t believe in, e.g. Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, etc.

Don’t be fooled by Herndon’s handlers who have been trying to clean up his image. It’s just more pulling the wool over the voter’s eyes.

Beware of a self-righteous false prophet.

