Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Howarth nominated for council post

Staff Writer | April 16, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Mayor Jeremy Grimm has nominated  Richard Howarth to an open seat on the Sandpoint City Council.

The council will take up the nomination at Wednesday’s meeting.  

Should the council approve Grimm’s choice, Howarth would fill the vacant council seat left by Jason Welker who now serves as the city’s community planning and development director. Welker also served as the council president, which means that following the council's decision they will select someone to take his place in that capacity as well. 

Grimm said that Howarth has a history of engagement with the Sandpoint community, including past service on the Kinderhaven Board of Directors and through his present role as chairman of the board of Litehouse Foods, among other efforts. He has two degrees from the University of Idaho — a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and material science. Coupled with his experience managing budgets of over $1.5 billion and thousands of employees, Grimm said Haworth will be invaluable to Sandpoint.

“Beyond his demonstrated capacity and skill having managed the development and operations of the most complex and large-scale semiconductor manufacturing facilities in the world, Rick also brings the historical context and awareness of Sandpoint and Idaho to the council,” Grimm said. 

The Selkirk Fire Joint Powers Agreement will again be considered following a lengthy discussion at a special city council meeting focused specifically on the JPA. The council will consider a one-year extension of the JPA, with a requested alternative from participating fire districts of a three-month extension instead of a year.

Council will consider an agreement with Aquatic Weed Solutions, Inc., for herbicide-free treatment of aquatic invasive species at the meeting. The proposed three-year agreement would total  $120,000, costing around $40,000 per session. The company would provide diver-assisted suction harvesting and other herbicide-free methods to remove and control milfoil and other invasive species at marinas, Lakeview Park boat launch, and Third Avenue Pier.

Council will also consider event permits and fees for this year’s Sandpoint Farmers Market, the Cottage Market, and Sandpoint Lions Club’s Fourth of July celebration.

City staff will seek council approval for submission of an application for an Urban and Community Forestry Fund Grant from the Idaho Department of Lands in the amount of $100,000. This grant would be utilized for tree inventory updates, maintenance and removal, and installation of new trees.

Adoption of the final draft of the 2024 Urban Area Transportation Plan will also be discussed at the meeting. The plan, completed by Aecomm on behalf of the cities of Sandpoint, Kootenai, Dover and Ponderay, Bonner County, and the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council, would identify projects for surface transportation program urban funds. The UATP was most recently updated in 2007.

This meeting will take place Wednesday, April 17, at Sandpoint City Hall, 1123 Lake St., starting at 5:30 p.m. The public can attend in person or online at