Sunday, May 05, 2024

Herndon won't lie just to get elected

| April 21, 2024 1:00 AM

I have just read a letter to the editor from a midwife, Cynthia Dalsing. In it she calls Jim Woodward a "true conservative." No conservative believes that an abortion, the killing of a baby in the womb, is healthcare. Jim Woodward is happy to attend an abortion rally at the Blue Bird Bakery, where signs saying "abortion is healthcare" were proudly waved. Numerous letters bragging about being a RINO to get Jim Woodward elected are published in the Bee and other periodicals.

I have a problem with a politician, Jim Woodward, who lies and claims to be conservative, then goes to Boise and votes lockstep with the liberal Democrats there. I don't know how anyone can be happy to be represented by a liar. And don't call Woodward a "common sense" Republican. That's just another phrase for a socialist.

Scott Herndon won't lie to get elected. He is a conservative, and true to conservative values. Small government, low taxes, freedom of religion and school choice. Less government interference in all our lives. Vote Herndon for Idaho. The candidate that doesn't lie.

