Sunday, February 16, 2025

Cedar Street Bridge hosts grand reopening

Staff Writer | April 23, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The Cedar Street Bridge and its supporters will be celebrating a "grand reopening" this Saturday.

Now that the bridge is under new ownership and management, the building has seen new growth and welcomed many new vendors. 

While the landmark has recently experienced what some are calling a “dry spell,” a new team has worked to revive the sense of community that the bridge has contributed to the area in years past. 

New owner, Joseph Worth, has worked to collaborate with Stacey Mueller, new manager, and Creation’s owner, Shery Meekings, to re-establish the bridge as a vibrant landmark. 

“That’s what we’re trying to do — let the community know that we’re wanting to resurrect this ‘third place’ — outside of work and the home,” Mueller said. 

The trio wants the Cedar Street Bridge to be a gathering place — a shelter when it rains, a landmark for visitors, and a safe haven for moms looking for a place to take their kids. 

To commemorate these changes, a ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce will begin at 11 a.m. Face painting, hair shimmers and live music will begin at noon. Sugar Tooth, a candy and confectionery story on the bridge, will be gifting caramel and cherry-dipped apples while supplies last. Free hot dogs will also be served on the outdoor patio until they are gone. 

A gift basket valued at over $1,400 will be raffled off with many prizes prepared by vendors at the bridge. 

Cedar Street Bridge officials said they are is excited to have the chance to “say yes to their guests,” as they phrased it. Their first step after the purchase was finalized was to throw off the locks to the bathrooms and re-open them to the public. 

“With new ownership comes new vision,” Meekings said. “[Past owners] had a different vision. I don’t know what it was. But whatever people experienced the last couple years — that’s gone. That new, fresh community feeling that everyone has been missing, is back.”

The event will be held April 27 at the Cedar Street Bridge, 334 N. First Ave., from 11 a.m to 6 p.m.