Dover celebrates past while eyeing bright future
Last year’s two events were so well-received we’ve added more for 2024!
Saturday, April 27, will be the city of Dover's annual City Hall open house and city-wide clean-up day. Residents are encouraged to either meet at City Hall/Park to help with general cleanup and park improvements or gather with their neighbors to clean paths and roadways near their homes. More details will follow in a press release soon.
May 3-4 will be a new city-sponsored event, Spring Into Dover! The location will be at the Nutlicious building on U.S. 2 and will span Friday and Saturday. This is planned as a small-town craft fair.
Dover’s Historical Committee is working on plans for an event to celebrate our rich historical history with an opportunity for newcomers and old-timers to gather together. This event will likely be in July. Stay tuned for more details as plans solidify.
October we’ll be bringing back our Harvest Festival. We hope we have great weather for this event planned for the first weekend in October 2024.
Winter Market was a resounding success last December with many happy vendors and shoppers alike. We’ve been asked to plan for another this year. More information will be available as details develop.
Community improvements
The city has advertised for bids on our new post office and hopes to soon be awarding the contract with an anticipated construction start date this summer.
Improvements including sidewalks, improved pedestrian crosswalks and connectivity are nearly completed. This project was made possible with grant funding.
Expansion of an additional 12” line from water reservoirs to Roosevelt and Railroad Avenues has now been completed. We expect to see an increase in water pressure to provide for additional fire safety.
The new pole barn storage and workshop building has recently been completed and will offer great protection of our equipment as well as space for maintenance project needs.
Our engineers continue work on a wastewater planning study to evaluate the current wastewater system and identify needed improvements. This project is funded by the Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality/American Rescue Plan Act grant.
This summer our engineers and contractors will be working on improvements to stormwater and culverts near Third, Fourth and Jackson streets.
Dover Historical Committee
Dover’s big 100th-year anniversary celebration to recognize the historical barging of buildings upriver from Laclede was a great success.
Miscellaneous of note
We have a new council member with us as of January 2024. We welcome Keith Congleton who has been an active participant in our council meetings and will soon be working with the rest of council and staff to establish our budget for the next fiscal year.
The East Bonner County Library Bookmobile has provided our residents with the convenience of library services right in town.
SPOT Bus continues to provide transportation at no cost to our Dover residents, students and visitors. Be sure to visit the SPOT website for more information about schedules and service locations.
Kaniksu Land Trust remains a great natural resource in our community. Dover is proud to have the cooperation of the KLT and appreciates its relationship with our community and nature.