Friday, February 07, 2025

West Bonner sets levy information meetings

Staff Writer | April 28, 2024 1:00 AM

PRIEST RIVER — West Bonner residents looking for information on the school district's one-year supplemental levy on the May 21 ballot have their pick of informational meetings to attend.

"I appreciate that the school district is setting up all those informational meeting," Katie Elsaesser told the West Bonner County School Board at a special meeting Wednesday, April 24. "And I hope that all the board members encourage people who have questions about the levy to attend those or direct them to the levy website instead of putting out independent information."

The presentations are a way for voters to learn about a $4.648 million, one-year supplemental levy and what those funds would pay for.

After trustee Kathy Nash questioned why someone couldn't voice their views on the levy, board chair Margy Hall said since the meetings are district-sponsored, West Bonner is legally bound to strictly present the information on the ballot.

"I don't believe this is a good levy amount and I will continue to speak against it as is my First Amendment right," Nash said. "There's a continual push to silence my voice and I really don't appreciate it."

However, Hall said the district is legally bound to educate, not advocate, one way or the other on the levy. 

"These are just strictly informational," Hall said. "If it's on our own time, we can speak however we choose to speak but when it sponsored by the school district as an informational meeting that's where we actually have to just keep it to the information on the ballot."

Nash persisted, questioning why she could not bring up an alternate levy proposal she had suggested that was rejected by the board.

"As a board, we are a body," trustee Paul Turco responded. "And we do discuss and you're not silenced. We listen and hear and we consider. But when we vote, we move forward as a body together and this body decided to move forward together."

Hall told Nash it's "a little easier" if the meetings are strictly information and that, if any board members wanted to speak for or against the levy, they needed to make it very clear they were speaking as citizens and not board trustees.

Turco asked the board to return to the topic at hand — setting a schedule of informational meetings on the proposed levy.

"All discussion and a chance to talk about what is going to be on the levy has passed," he said. "We are just going to be stating facts in an informational meeting so let's stick to the facts."

Following the brief discussion, the board voted 5-0 to approve the new informational meeting schedule. The meetings marked a slight change in the schedule after presentations Edgemere and Blue Lake granges were switched to new dates.

Information meetings will be held throughout the school district, the first of which will be Tuesday, April 30 at Priest Lake Elementary, 27732 Highway 57. The informational meeting will begin at 6 p.m.

Meetings will also be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 1 at the Blanchard Grange, 36 Mason Road, Blanchard; 6 p.m., Monday, May 6, Blue Lake Grange, 9518 Eastside Road, Priest River; 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 7, Edgemere Grange, 3273 Bandy Road, Priest River; 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 8, Priest River Lamanna High School, 596 Highway 57, Priest River; 6 p.m., Monday, May 13, Laclede Community Center, 24 Moore Loop Road, Laclede; and 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, Idaho Hill Elementary, 402 E. Third St., Oldtown.

Other meeting dates on the schedule are a May 8 Facilities Committee meeting and the May 15 board meeting.

On the official ballot, safety, security, and maintenance costs make up $917,000 of the levy with roofing totaling $425,000, HVAC/boiler issues totaling $275,000, plumbing $100,000, and purchased services and supplies adding another $117.

A school resource officer also is on the levy, adding $72,045.

Extracurricular, co-curricular, and athletics also would be covered by a levy if approved by voters, adding up to $376,500.

Transportation system, new buses and supplies total $258,540 of the proposed supplemental levy; while child nutrition would add $100,000.

Curricular materials add $86,500 to the proposed levy; technology adds $40,006; and health and liability insurance increases add $112,000.

Also on the levy ballot are salaries and benefits to recruit and retain support staff, totaling $1,423,382; and salaries and benefits to recruit and retain instructional, pupil services, and administration, making up $1,262,244 of the levy.

The proposed supplemental one-year levy — set at $4,648,217 — would cost taxpayers $94.43 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

Groups interested in hosting a presentation on the proposed levy should contact WBCSD clerk Julie Hinshaw at 208-448-4439.