Wednesday, March 26, 2025

BOCC talks budget items

Staff Writer | August 7, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — In a Tuesday meeting, the Bonner County commissioners approved a handful of action items and continued to discuss components of the 2025 budget ahead of an Aug. 26 hearing. 

The commissioners began the meeting by unanimously approving two claim batches and a memorandum of understanding between the county and the Idaho Department of Lands, which will award a $354,000 grant to the county for fire hazard mitigation. 

Commissioner Asia Williams updated attendees about upcoming events and ongoing discussions. Williams reiterated her opposition to a line item in the draft 2025 budget that would award $25,000 to the Sandpoint Senior Center. 

“If the county were giving out money, it needs to be spread across the entire county, not to an individual community center,” said Williams. The commissioner encouraged community members to make their voices heard at the Aug. 26 hearing, during which the county will aim to adopt a budget.

The meeting proceeded into public comment; Monica Gunter, Sagle Senior Center chair, called for equality in the distribution of funds to senior centers. 

“We deserve it as much as they deserve it,” said Gunter. She added that Sagle Senior Center provides services for residents across Bonner County and is staffed entirely by volunteers. 

“Make it fair,” Gunter said. “I am asking right now for $25,000 for the Sagle Senior Center.” 

At a prior meeting, commissioner Steven Bradshaw stated that the line item was introduced after Sandpoint Senior Center requested financial assistance. He also mentioned that the facility has a unique program for Alzheimer’s patients and their families. 

Additionally, resident George Gehrig asked Bradshaw and Commission Chair Luke Omodt if either of them intended to step away from their positions before their terms expire in January 2025. 

Neither Omodt nor Bradshaw can be reelected to their current positions in November — Omodt lost the Republican party primary election for his District 3 seat in May, and Bradshaw chose to challenge incumbent Daryl Wheeler to be the Republican candidate for county sheriff. 

Neither commissioner responded to Gehrig, but Williams explained state protocol for filling a vacancy on the board, should one occur. 

Because all current commissioners are Republicans, the Bonner County Republican Central Committee would submit a list of three recommended candidates to the governor within 15 days. Based on the recommendation, the governor would select and appoint a new commissioner. 

Williams added that if the District 1 and 3 seats — held by Bradshaw and Omodt, respectively — became vacant, she would expect the BCRCC to recommend the party’s May primary election winners for appointment. 

The primary winners are Brian Domke, District 1, and Ron Korn, District 3. Domke will face Democrat Steve Johnson in November, while Korn will contend with Independent Glenn Lefebvre. 

The final item on the meeting’s agenda was an executive session regarding human resources. Before the executive session could be approved, Williams brought forth a concern that the content would be more appropriate for open discussion. 

The board consulted deputy attorney Bill Wilson, who specified that conversations regarding human resources and hiring should occur during open session, provided there is no discussion of individual candidates or other personnel. 

Bradshaw then left the room, and Omodt adjourned the meeting without a vote to enter executive session occurring.  

The next regular meeting of the commissioners will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the Bonner County Administrative Building, 1500 U.S. 2. Meetings are livestreamed on the Bonner County YouTube page.