Saturday, October 05, 2024

Book of List deadline nears

Staff Writer | August 17, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — It's a sunny day and folks are out and about.

Maybe they're running errands to get items to check tasks off their to-do list. Maybe they're looking for fun things to do for a weekend trip or family "staycation." Maybe they are new to town or the neighborhood and want to explore the many cool shops and businesses that make this region so special — the fun, out-of-the-ordinary, off-the-beaten-track amazing businesses that you will only find in North Idaho. Shops celebrating the region's timber and mining industry, businesses spawned by life on the lake, companies launched that speak to the region's character, and shops that are just plain fun to wander around in, filled with items you have to have but didn't know you needed.

How to get all of those folks to your business and in your door?

Now, you could trust to luck or hope that potential customers stumble across your social media pages or happen to be in the neighborhood and are intrigued enough to pop their head in the door. You could hope that word of mouth and plenty of posts do the trick.

But why leave it to chance?

Including your business in the Book connects your business with those who matter most: your customers.

The Book is more than a dry list of people and places. It is a tribute to the businesses whose names appear — the very definition of expertise, diverse in scope, but united in their dedication to both the region and its people. 

This publication offers unparalleled visibility among peers, clients and potential partners. Instead of diving down a rabbit hole of internet websites or scraps of paper tucked into the kitchen "junk drawer," the Book compiles the businesses into an easy-to-use, reliable, and trusted source of information.

Available year-round, the Book of Lists is published in print and available online, providing a direct connection between you and shoppers as well as critical decision-makers in every industry, enhancing your professional network. The comprehensive data and trends captured in the Book offer insights to make informed decisions. It is designed to be relevant year-round, providing insights into everything from economic data to where to go when you're looking for your next adventure. It highlights our community's successes, trends, and opportunities.

The submission link is live at but time is running out to submit your business to ensure you are connected with those who matter — your customers, your community and your fellow entrepreneurs.

To ensure you are included in the NIBJ Book of Lists 2025, information must be submitted by Aug. 31, 2024. This is an open call to every regional business leader to participate and contribute to this invaluable business resource.