Monday, September 16, 2024

WBCSD needs to get act together

| August 18, 2024 1:00 AM

Come on WBCSD. Get your act together. If you think we are ready for another tax levy vote, I've got a bridge to sell you. You have so many things that you are dealing with and supposedly trying to get right but it is going to take some time.

First of all, the community does not have confidence in the district and its operation. I believe it would take two or three years for confidence to be regained. You need a full, total reorganization. I would start first with getting a new school board.

Second, because of the smallness of the district with only one high school and a small number of other schools with low class sizes, I would suggest that you combine the high school principal with the superintendent's job. I have worked in school districts where this was done with multi-high schools and it works very well.

With buses being a major expense, I would suggest that the district go out to all bus companies for what it would cost to contract for all transportation needs. It would negate the driver and mechanic salaries, insurance, and all the other associated expenses. Work harder at obtaining grants from private persons, the state, the federal government, corporations, etc.

I could go on but it just points out that there are many options out there yet to cut budgets. None of these would affect teaching in the classroom.

Finally, me and my friends will vote no on any levy over and over again until we feel the district has exhausted every effort to improve the district and have a reorganization plan in place. Good luck.  


Priest River