Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Politics, veterans and service to the U.S.

| August 22, 2024 1:00 AM

Reading Mr. Olson's letter (Daily Bee, Aug. 15), I salute and respect his service in Vietnam and was amused that he apparently doesn't suffer from the condition known as modesty. While I never saw military service, four members of my family served, with three seeing combat during World War II. Also, just because someone didn't see combat in the National Guard but did what that branch is charged with, guarding the nation such as disaster relief, they still serve our country.

As for Olson's position that Prop.1 is bad, we never had closed primaries until recently, and yet Idaho always leaned red. Tom questions ranked-choice with a veterans' group being one organization supporting Prop. 1. I would like to ask who is behind the extremist Idaho Freedom Foundation. My understanding, they are the Idaho branch of a national group whose endorsements seem to determine which "right-thinking" Republicans are endorsed in the primary along with which bills get passed or not.

To his point that we are free to affiliate with any party, that is true, but over the last 10 to 15 years, the population has become overwhelming right. They control 88% of the seats in Boise along with the governorship and instigated the closed primary. The Republican nominee is all but guaranteed to win the general election. Thus, the only choice moderate Democrats such as myself have is to vote for a moderate Republican running in the closed primary and then win the general. I don't think Mr. Olson has much to worry about Idaho turning blue anytime soon. At worst, it may become a slightly lighter shade of red.

Being a highly decorated patriotic veteran, I assume Mr. Olson that you won't be voting for Donald Trump who dodged the Vietnam draft five times and called veterans suckers and losers, including a great American, John McCain, because he had the audacity to be captured.

