Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Teen center receives $10,000 grant from 101 Women, Sandpoint

| December 1, 2024 1:00 AM

The Sandpoint Teen Center has been presented with a $10,000 grant from 101 Women, Sandpoint.

The funding will support the center’s mission of empowering local teenagers to develop the skills and qualities needed to become tomorrow's leaders.

Sandpoint Teen Center, a nonprofit organization, provides a safe and engaging environment where teens can socialize and participate in activities that foster leadership, interpersonal skills, and community awareness. With a focus on creating positive experiences, the center offers programs designed to enrich teens’ lives and build their confidence.

Following significant growth in attendance, the center operates from two locations: the Lutheran Church and two portable classrooms situated behind the middle school. 

The 101 Women grant will help the organization continue to offer vital after-school services, including healthy snacks, hot meals prepared through its culinary development program, academic support, and teen-led projects and activities. All programs are overseen by a dedicated and caring staff who serve as mentors to the youth.

The $10,000 grant was made possible by the collective generosity of 101 Women, a philanthropic group that empowers local nonprofits in Bonner County by pooling donations from 101 members. Each year, the group awards two $10,000 grants to deserving organizations that make a difference in the community. Finalists are selected through a rigorous process that includes grant application reviews and site visits, followed by a group vote.

This spring’s finalists included Project 7B and the Selkirk Conservation Alliance, both of which also provide meaningful contributions to the community:

Project 7B is a non-partisan organization dedicated to educating Bonner County residents about land-use planning. The group advocates for transparent planning processes and encourages public engagement to ensure thoughtful land-use decisions.

Selkirk Conservation Alliance serves as a passionate advocate for the Priest Lake area, focusing on environmental preservation and education. Through scientific research and community programs, the organization works to protect this unique and precious ecosystem for future generations.

Visit their respective websites to learn more about these organizations’ impactful work. These nonprofits rely on community support through donations and volunteers to sustain their missions and continue serving Bonner County.

For information on the grant finalists, go online to: Project 7B,; Sandpoint Teen Center,; and Selkirk Conservation Alliance,

To learn more about 101 Women Sandpoint, their grant opportunities or to find out how to become a member, go to 101 Women Sandpoint’s website at