Wednesday, March 26, 2025

VFW announces turkey shoot winners

| December 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Several families went home lucky winners from the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post's annual VFW Turkey Shoot.

Wrenco Arms donated the venue and Safeway donated the turkeys, VFW Commander Ken Hunt said.

The shoot featured three categories: men, women and children 12 and under. Rifles and ammunition were provided and the cost to enter the shoot was two non-perishable food items with all donated food going to the Bonner Community Food Bank. 

This year's winners were Kathy Rose, and a father-daughter combo, Chris and Piper Kizanis. 

The next event being held is one in combination with the Sandpoint Elks where veterans are invited to watch the Army/Navy football game Saturday, Dec. 14. 

"This year we are doing something a little different," Hunt said. "We will watch the Army/Navy game at the Sandpoint Elks, they are supporting our local Veterans by co-sponsoring the event at their gold course lounge."

Hunt said the game starts and noon and the VFW post will hold its fundraiser raffle drawing at halftime. Finger foods will be provided and if guests want anything else, the bar and restaurant are available.

"We hope to see our veterans there," Hunt said. "Go Army, beat Navy.

    Chris and Piper Kizanis are presented turkeys by Ken Hunt, commander of the Sandpoint VFW post after they won the prizes at the post's annual Turkey Shoot recently.