Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Welcome to Santapoint

Staff Writer | December 15, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Welcome to Santa-point, Idaho-ho-ho.

As more than 100 Santas kicked off the community's first SantaCon, there was plenty of holiday cheer, Christmas spirit, and a North Pole amount of fun to be had at the Saturday event.

"It's a kid-inspired mentality to be joyful, to dress up, and to kind of let go of the stress of the holidays and be Santa for a day and have fun," said Andrea Marcaccio, who owns Matchwood Brewing with her husband, Kennden Culp. 

SantaCon is a chance to have fun and celebrate the joy that surrounds Christmas, organizers said. While there are adult-only events, the event is focused on the magic and love that make up the holiday.

"I was known as Elf in my family, so these things are kind of living in my brain," Marcaccio said of hosting the community's first SantaCon and creating ideas that would be fun for everyone. "It's kind of a dream come true for an adult who, if I could have gone to a SantaCon since I was a kid, I would have loved it."

Participants agree that, as Santa, they treat others well, spread joy and love Sandpoint. Santa is also a friend to kids and, most of all, Santa is always Santa, the passport notes.

"From the boots to the beard, Santa's got his look down," the document states. "Be the jolly old elf in full Santa gear — because when you're Santa, you are Santa."

Santa, making a visit from the North Pole, said he enjoyed visiting the community to spread joy and love as he prepares for his big night of work. The jolly old elf said he enjoyed visiting with local youth, among them Arlo, who warmed up to the visit after initial hesitation.

"I'm just excited that the community's involved and grateful for Matchwood and Kennden and Andrea for helping us get this thing off the ground and making this a reality," said Chad Evans, in his guise as Santa.

In all, more than 100 Santas preregistered for the event, and still others dropped by with donations for NAMI after hearing what the event was raising money for.

Among them was Kevin Wetzel, who was easily convinced by Evans to attend SantaCon and dress up for the event — complete with Santa outfit, an ugly sweater, and furred boots, brought, he said, to match the Clydesdale he knew would be in attendance.

"We've been talking about SantaCon for a long time and it's kind of been a vision for him," Wetzel said. "To actually have it come to fruition is amazing, and yeah, I love this community, and it's really cool to do something like this."

The event is also a chance to help a great cause in NAMI Far North and its newly opened clubhouse. Marcaccio said the National Alliance on Mental Illness chapter fulfills a key need in the community and the businesses involved in the pub crawl portion of SantaCon — Matchwood, MickDuff’s Beer Hall, Eichardt’s, Idaho Pour Authority, Utara Brewing, Tervan, 1908 Saloon, The Bank and 219 — loved the idea to spread a little Christmas cheer to those who might be struggling during the holiday.

"There was a discussion about (NAMI) being a real need in our community and as we head into winter, with the darkness and the solitude, and sometimes Christmas isn't joyful for everybody. It can be a sad time — maybe they've lost someone, had a hard year, or are experiencing some sort of mental illness. We thought helping NAMI might be a nice way to balance out all of the fun."

It is, Marcaccio said, a way for all community members to connect with everyone else in a way that is both fun and joyful.

Proceeds from SantaCon will go to help NAMI Far North, a nonprofit that provides education, support, and resources to both those living with mental health challenges and their friends and families. NAMI Far North recently opened Idaho's first clubhouse, a day center that offers friendship and employment support as part of an effort to give those living with mental health challenges a way to integrate back into their communities. 

The idea for SantaCon stemmed from a conversation between Marcaccio, Evans, and Matchwood marketing and events manager Emily Golphenee. Evans had been to similar events elsewhere and knew it would be a lot of fun to have one here.

The events, which include everything from fun runs and pub crawls to cookie decorating and visiting with the Jolly Old Elf Himself, are held around the world, with one held in New York City attracting roughly 50,000 Kris Kringles, St. Nicks and other Christmas visitors.

Evans knew the event would bring a little holiday magic to the community — and knew that it would be a great way to raise money for a great cause.

While held at Matchwood Brewing, the event was designed to offer something for everyone. Stations were set up on the patio to write letters to Santa, decorate cookies, and visit with St. Nick. Inside, kids of all ages could have their faces painted, and adults who registered for the official SantaCon passport had their pictures taken for Santa's "Naughty & Nice" book.

SantaCon participants even got to meet Missy, one of Parnell Ranch's Clydesdale horses, bedecked in her Christmas best with an oversized wreath decorated with bows and bells that jangled merrily when she moved.

The 18-hand beauty was a main attraction, with kids of all ages coming up and asking to pet the Clydesdale, have their photo taken with her, and give her a gentle pat on the shoulder.

 "They want to come up and meet her, ask if they're able to pet her and touch her, just to feel how gentle she is and how welcoming she is," said Todd Radermacher, who, along with his wife, Dianna, was the 13-year-old broodmare's companions. "She's glad to see everyone."

    Santa waits for a visitor at the community's first SantaCon event, which kicked off at Matchwood Brewing on Saturday.
    Dianna and Todd Radermacher stand by Missy, as two fans admire the Parnell Ranch's Clydesdale at Saturday's SantaCon event.
    Kevin Wetzel gets his picture taken with Missy, a Parnell Ranch Clydesdale, at Saturday's SantaCon event.
    Andrea Marcaccio checks the "Naughty & Nice Book" as she check in a participant of Saturday's SantaCon event.