Wednesday, March 26, 2025

'Tots' donations show community's heart

Staff Writer | December 21, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — On his way to a church meeting, Paul Myers felt tired and was having a hard time breathing.

Noticing a McDonald's nearby, he went inside to rest. He'd only been inside a short while when he suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed.

It was at about that moment that Brian Harris, on a break from his job at a nearby railway station, walked into the fast food restaurant and leaped into action, according to a story on the Good News Network website.

Myers' pulse was hard to find and it was clear he was struggling to breathe, according to the GNN story.

"I fought hard, I wasn't going to give up, I was determined I was going to fight for his life," Harris is quoted by the website of what he was thinking when he began CPR.

After recovering, Myers began a quest to find the man who'd saved his life, eventually locating Harris. The pair have gotten together several times and have become "lifelong" friends, the GNN story reports.

Myers told the GNN reporter that he is “eternally grateful” that Harris saved his life but said it’s been hard to find a way to adequately thank him.

“When we met up for the first time, he got there before me and said, ‘Mr. Myers, it is so good to see you alive,'" the man said. "The only words I could give him were ‘thank you.'”

The Sandpoint Lions share Harris' determination to help someone in need; albeit through the club's annual Toys for Tots Christmas drive. Each year, the club partners with the community's residents and businesses to ensure every youth in the community has a merry Christmas.

Today's donations added another $1,596 to the drive, bringing the total to date to $46,822.52 of the drive's $75,000 goal.

Generous donations were received from Beta Sigma Phi XP1412, $100; anonymous, $100; Barbara J. and Gary H. Ridley, $50; anonymous, $100; Daily Bee staff, $396; Peter Bilodeau, $100; Barbara Buchanan and Rick Dalessio, $300; Melinda E. and Paul H. Nieman, $400; and Daniel D. and Debra Butler, $50.

If you haven't donated and would like to do so, please do. Every penny, every dollar adds up and if we all pitch in, we can make this, once again, a successful Toys for Tots campaign. 

Funds raised during the annual campaign go to purchase new toys for area children — or gift cards for older youth — who live in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. Every Christmas, the Lions help almost 1,000 area children, from Sandpoint to Clark Fork and all points in between.

The Lions make the most of the money by bargain shopping and with the assistance of generous local businesses. 

Donations for Toys for Tots can be dropped off at the front desk at the Bonner County Daily Bee, 310 Church St., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Those interested can also drop off donations at area banks and Mr. Sub, 602 N. Fifth Ave. in Sandpoint.

Donations may be mailed to the Sandpoint Lions Club, Box 414, Sandpoint, ID 83864, or dropped into any one of multiple coin jars located around town. Donations should include a note that it is for Toys for Tots and, if you wish to make an anonymous donation, please mention that in your note.

If the donation is being made in someone’s name, be sure to also include a note.

Information: Sandpoint Lions Club, 208-263-4118, or online at