Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Larson seeks state representative seat

Staff Writer | February 21, 2024 1:00 AM

Kathryn Larson is seeking a seat in the Idaho House of Representatives in District 1B.

“In state government, there is a disturbing trend to shift the financial burden to the county and city taxpayers,” Larson said. “We’re seeing more lawsuits that taxpayers fund. And, instead of focusing on local issues, our representatives are dramatizing culture war issues. As a citizen with experience in complex problem solving, I feel a duty to step up and offer to serve. I hope to change the conversation and reduce the drama.”

Larson lists her top issues as local focus, freedom and an economy that works for everyone.

“We have real opportunities for economic prosperity,” Larson said. “We have bountiful resources to protect and we have difficult challenges in our rural District 1. Yet, our representatives are busy layering inappropriate state government oversight and writing laws that bypass our local authority entirely. It doesn’t make sense. It’s time for a change.”

Larson moved to North Idaho in 2015 and said that just like when she was a child — moving 11 times before she reached high school — she feels like the “new kid at school” again, trying to learn about the issues that matter most to the residents on the Panhandle.

“I am so thankful to have lived and worked around the globe, advising the top leaders of common brands,” she said. “I've learned working with local leaders that the people here are every bit as smart and competent as those people running giant companies. Investing my time locally is fulfilling and worthwhile.”

A formal kickoff was held for Larson and Karen Matthee at Evans Brothers on Feb. 12. Singer Mike Wagoner provided live music followed by brief speeches from each candidate. An interactive session was held immediately after, giving the audience a chance to talk with the candidates in order to prioritize local perspectives — something Larson wants more of.

Learn more about Larson’s platform at