Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Korn announces candidacy

Staff Writer | February 29, 2024 1:00 AM

Bonner County resident Ron Korn has announced he is seeking the Bonner County Board of Commissioners District 3 seat. Korn, who identifies as a Christian, Republican, and conservative, has lived in the county for over 25 years.

“I’m running on the grounds of restoring constitutional liberties to our community as your representative statesman,” he said. “I am as committed to our community as I am to my family, being married to my bride Kelly for 33 years now.”

Korn acted as the commander of Bonner County Sheriff Search and Rescue for over 20 years, where he was in charge of over 150 SAR volunteers — the largest SAR group in the state of Idaho.

“I feel that it is very important to be involved in our local community, participating actively to keep it a great place to live,” he said. “With over 20 years in leadership roles of volunteer organizations here, I possess the leadership and people skills needed to smoothly operate an entity such as Bonner County.”

He has also founded a handful of community organizations such as Sandpoint Independence Day 2020, 7B Volleyball Club, Rapid Lightning Community Network, and 7 Bravo. Additionally, Korn has held many volunteer positions with Northside Fire, CHAFE 150, VFW Veterans Stand Down, Boundary County Sheriff Posse, and has been a board member of Panhandle Preparedness Expo.

“I have enjoyed being an active part of our community and helping people,” he said.

Korn is now retired, having over 30 years of self-employment behind him. With this knowledge, he said he believes he can run the county business in a fiscally conservative manner and solve problems when they arise while remaining competent under pressure.

Korn’s platform is based on liberty, leadership and limited responsible government. He believes the U.S. Constitution created a government that is meant to be a ground-up representation starting at the local level, not a top-down dictatorship.

“After all, how can ‘We The People’ run our government if we are not ultimately in control?” he asked. “I will work toward getting Bonner County more independent from state and federal control. Most of us are aware of the current challenges within our county board of commissioners. There is no excuse for the intolerable behavior that we are witnessing during our weekly business meetings, at our  expense.”

If elected, Korn said he would stand up for the people’s First Amendment rights and promote civil public meetings.

“I’ll advocate to stop the unnecessary permits that burden our property owners,” he said. “I’ll encourage more public interactive workshops. I’m an advocate for your property rights and personal rights.”

Korn also believes in more access for outdoor recreationists, and said he will work with state and federal entities to ensure less public lands are gated off and inaccessible to Bonner County residents. He also promised to write and support ordinances to protect the community against federal and state overreach.

“I’ll stand firm on important issues, defending our residents while being diplomatic and courteous to the board, employees and the public,” he said. “My motto is, ‘actions, not words.’ As you have read, I’m a man of action, not empty words.”
