Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Community must prioritize safe schools

| January 2, 2024 1:00 AM

I write feeling so very confused. I have a middle schooler here in Sandpoint recent weeks have been difficult due to all the building issues the school is having. Flooding, electrical, heat … it seems the building is falling apart but is not a priority for our community to fix.

I see money put toward unnecessary things all the time but investing in our future is way down on the list of priorities. It’s disappointing, and disheartening, and it seems a blind eye is continually turned to education. Having a 1-year-old as well fills me with anxiety and fear for the future here. We love living here but like a lot of folks, we find ourselves discussing relocating to a place where our kids will come first in our community.

As locals, my husband and I will have to abandon our roots and succumb to an all too familiar reality for so many like us: retreat. Born and raised in a place you call home just to watch others (often outsiders) make decisions that are not helping our community, but rather ignoring children, women, the elderly, and people in need; pandering to the wealthy and elite.

My child deserves to learn in a safe, welcoming environment. She needs a reliable place to play team sports and learn all the great lessons that come with it. I want to know if she will be able to eat lunch where there’s heat and safe water to drink. I worry about other families daily. Please help me understand why our community leaders can not prioritize this.

