Wednesday, March 26, 2025

BOCC sees packed agenda

Staff Writer | January 7, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Eleven items have been placed on the Bonner County commissioners’ Tuesday meeting agenda, signaling a potentially lengthy session this week.

Commissioner Luke Omodt has placed three items on the agenda for discussion — commissioner reports, a civil litigation bill review, and an Eide Bailey invoice.

Commissioner Asia Williams has placed eight items on the agenda regarding multiple proposed changes to the regular Tuesday meetings. Additionally, Williams plans to discuss sending a request for a proposal for a fair audit, starting further back than 2023, depending on the opinion of an external auditor who has not previously worked with the county. The District 2 commissioner also wants to talk about keeping Zoom and YouTube streams running during breaks and recesses without muting the microphone, as well as again discussing publishing approved public records requests on the county’s website.

The commissioners are only set to hear from county Clerk Mike Rosedale regarding two monetary requests for claims and EMS.

The meeting will end with three executive sessions — one for hiring, one for multiple human resource items, and the third regarding an investigation report. Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information, though all decisions must be made in open session.

Commission meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 U.S. 2, and livestreamed via YouTube at