Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Bonner County History - Jan. 14, 2024

| January 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Jan. 14, 1974 – BIRTHS

Jan. 6 – Mr. and Mrs. William Likens, Sandpoint, boy, 9 lb. 12 ½ oz.; Jan. 7 – Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Sandpoint, girl, 6 lb. 8 oz.; and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arrillaga, Sandpoint, boy, 7 lb. 14 oz. 



Howard Faux has been named Vice President and Manager of the Sandpoint office of Idaho First National Bank. A Buhl native, Faux graduated from the U of I in 1949 with a B.S. in Business. In 1968, he graduated from Pacific Coast Banking School at UW in Seattle. He became Assistant Manager of the Sandpoint office in 1962 and Manager in 1966. A Chamber of Commerce director, Faux serves as treasurer of the local March of Dimes and Idaho Heart Assn. and is past president of Kiwanis. He, his wife, Mary, and their six children live in Sandpoint. 



Working to get certified as a music therapist, Miss Terry Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson of Sandpoint, is employed in the recreation dept. of the VA hospital at East Orange, N.J. She does group music therapy with patients, using the guitar and singing, rhythm exercises, improvisation and sometimes dancing. Terry, who attends evening classes at Montclair State College, Montclair, N.J., received her B.A. degree in Spanish and music at Ft. George Wright College, Spokane, in 1972. 

75 Years Ago

Jan. 14, 1949 - HOSPITAL BIRTHS

To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engelen, Jan. 6, a son.  To Mr. and Mrs. Walt Roos, Jan. 9, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoover, Jan. 9, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Moore, Jan. 10, a daughter. 



Cold weather continued to hold north Idaho in its grip as temperatures dropped again below zero. It was 3 below Sunday, 15 below Monday, 1 above Tuesday and 5 below Wednesday. The week’s maximum temperature was 20 above. 



The dairy herds of Basil Gooby and H.G. Churchill topped all other members of the Bonner County Dairy Herd Improvement association for December. Milking six cows, Gooby’s herd tested an average of 36.7 pounds of butterfat with 739 pounds of milk production for top place. Churchill, milking 13 cows, produced an average of 735 pounds per cow with 36.2 pounds of butterfat. Average production of the 17 members of the association was 536 pounds of milk per cow, with 24.3 pounds butterfat.



Heavy snow backing up on the school house roof caused it to leak quite badly Friday until the school board got help to shovel it off. Residents have been shoveling off their roofs before they collapse as the Elmer Kile and Loretta Dawson barn roofs did.

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