Monday, March 10, 2025

Bonner County History - Jan. 18, 2024

| January 18, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Mother Nature did an about-face Sunday from the sub-zero weather of the past two weeks to an abrupt rise in temperatures of over 40 degrees, along with heavy rains and high winds, which added up to water, water everywhere. Icy road conditions resulted in over 50 cars off the road in Bonner County Sunday and forced the closing of schools Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Schweitzer ski area was closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday due to heavy winds, some of which were clocked at 100 miles an hour. A rampaging Sand Creek washed away the east end of the Bronx cut-off road bridge, leaving a 10-foot gap. Up on Rapid Lightning Creek, Mrs. Gary Gore and her two children escaped injury when a flash flood brought tons of ice and water crashing down around their home. The Pack River Road completely washed out above Edna’s Tavern, and rushing water cut away a 50-foot-wide swath of Sunnyside Road just east of the Grange Hall, forcing the road’s closure and disrupting traffic and communications for Sunnyside area residents. There was flooding in Kootenai and some sewage backup, caused by the sewage plant not working. Just south of Westmond, water running off the hillside overlooking Cocolalla created a mud slide that closed the north lane of traffic on U.S. Hwy 95. In Sandpoint, Boyer was closed due to heavy waters across the road near the fairgrounds. Continued rain Tuesday brought high waters to many downtown areas, while water at the city reservoir dam above the filter plant was at its highest level in 24 years.  

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Jan. 18, 1949 – FEWER FIRE CALLS IN ‘48

Sandpoint’s Fire Department answered 62 phone and 10 verbal fire calls in 1948, 16 less than in 1947. Cigarette smokers caused expensive losses, as did overheated stoves. Gas used to kindle fires and gas spilled on hot motors and started several other blazes. Boys with matches caused one fire; burning rubbish, an exploding gas lantern, hot grease on a stove, and a tar pot boiling over caused others. 



Every snow shoveler can appreciate the street clearing job done by the Sandpoint Independent Highway District. With four men, two trucks, a snow loader, and a grader, they have managed to keep the streets in good shape for driving. The crew had only Christmas Day off in the past month. About 3,000 yards of the white stuff has been dumped off the Cedar Street bridge into Sand Creek, which is now frozen over. Three huge, bridge-high pyramids have been created that are a delight to the young fry who arrive after school with cardboard boxes and “ski” down the steep sides of the snow dumps. 



J.C. “Bud” Benoit, of The Bootery, moved his family from Coeur d’Alene to 328 S. Fourth on Sunday. The Benoits have two small children, Jimmie, who is 6, and Dianne, who is just past 3.

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