Thursday, October 17, 2024

No one is above the law

| July 14, 2024 1:00 AM

I usually steer away from discussing politics in a public forum. Too often, it prompts emotional arguments rather than thoughtful discussions. I would rather find common ground with my family, friends, neighbors, and community. While each person has their own beliefs and priorities, we also have many commonalities.

Every year, we celebrate July 4 with parades, flags, and fireworks, but sometimes we forget why this experiment in democracy ever started. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are based on the radical notion that no one is above the law. The colonists knew what it was like to be ruled unfairly by a king who could not be held accountable for his actions. Instead of tyranny, our country was founded with the ideal that we are all equal under the law. 

No one is above the law — that is our common ground as American citizens. The recent Supreme Court decision that a President cannot be prosecuted if their action is some vague “official act” negates our nation’s founding principles. Whatever your political affiliation and personal loyalties, your alarm bells should be ringing.

Of course, if you like the idea of one person or one-party rule, that one person cannot be held accountable, there are lots of other countries where you can live. 

