Wednesday, March 26, 2025

BOCC approves budget adjustment

Staff Writer | July 17, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — The Bonner County commissioners unanimously approved a budget adjustment Tuesday following a miscalculation in a spreadsheet.

Bonner County Human Resources generalist Alissa Clark told the board during their Tuesday morning regular business meeting that the budget for the current fiscal year was short by roughly $56,000.

“GIS has been managing their budget relying on these funds being provided,” she said.

This error was caused by a miscalculation in a spreadsheet, she said, as one of the item lines had not been added to the summation of the full budget. The error was only recently discovered, and staff began working right away to figure out solutions so the same issue would not happen again in the future.

“Going forward, all the sheets will be reviewed by HR and auditing to ensure all the formulas and everything are accurate before it’s put into the budget,” she said.

The HR Department recommended three budget transfers to remedy the problem: A roughly $47,000 transfer from the general fund statutory reserve fund to the salary fund; a roughly $5,200 transfer from the statutory fund to the PERSI fund; and a roughly $3,600 transfer from the statutory fund to the FICA fund.

The board of commissioners unanimously approved all three budget adjustments.