Geezer-in-training information goes both ways
Information has been important to me as long as I can remember. That’s no doubt why I love to ask questions so much! I want to understand things — and people. That takes information. Questions asked usually result in information.
Sometimes, that information is even important! Information may appear to simply be trivial “factoids” that mean little to anyone besides myself. But information actually can be important! Especially in our current climate of disinformation and misinformation.
As I often do, I checked on the root meaning of “inform”/"information.” Its Latin root word, “informare" means “to shape, given form to.” This is in the context of teaching, educating. That fits, doesn’t it? We seek information in order to shape our understanding — or someone else’s understanding — about one thing or another.
We learn. And in the course of our learning, we can pass along that learning in some form to teaching, educating, someone else.
That’s why, in the course of these Dear Geezer columns, and the 12-plus years of the Geezer Forum, I’ve advocated that we who are over 60 years old are "geezers-in-training.”
Learning something is always an option for us. Sharing that learning is also an option for us, whether we share with friends, adult children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or anyone from another generation.
So pause for a moment and ask yourself: What did I learn (or maybe re-learn) in the last seven days? The list may be short or long.
Another question: Do you do any word games like Wordle or various word puzzles? They not only stimulate your brain, but you can also learn something about those words. You decide what that is. Learning something is always available to us. Which brings me to a big request from the Geezer Forum planning team. We are considering the possibility of returning to our original bi-weekly (twice-a-month) schedule of Geezer Forums. That was the schedule we used from January 2012 until Covid-19 curtailed things for a few years.
The Geezer Forum’s two basic goals have always been first, information sharing; and second, social connections. There are many potential topics we could explore together if we double the number of forums. But we want to get information from you so we can “shape” the Geezer Forum to what you think is appropriate.
To that end, we have developed a Geezer Forum survey that we hope you will take a few minutes to consider and respond to. If you are cyber-savvy, you may know what a QR code is. You’ll find one in this column. Taking a phone picture of it will connect you to survey.
If you aren’t comfortable with QR code technology, here’s another option for you. I always send this column to people on my Geezer Forum mailing lists. The column I will send out to those folks will include a link to the survey.
If you are not on one of those lists, but want a simpler connection to the survey, please write to me and I’ll send that link to you. A simple click on the link will take you to the survey.
We will keep the survey open for two weeks. We hope you will participate. Your information will help us shape the Geezer Forum for this next “Geezer season.” Thank you.
Paul Graves, M.Div, is the lead geezer-in-training for Elder Advocates, a consulting ministry on aging issues. Contact Paul at Or call him at 208-610-4971.