Wednesday, March 26, 2025

BOCC faces busy agenda

| July 21, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — A busy agenda faces Bonner County commissioners at Tuesday's meeting.

As part of the consent agenda, the board is slated to discuss a catering permit for Popeye's Lounge in Priest River and plats for the Bloomhill Acres project.

Commissioners are slated to hear from Clerk Michael Rosedale on claims batches totaling just under $1.82 million and Treasurer Clorissa Koster regarding joint quarterly reports. Prosecutor Louis Marshall is seeking approval regarding the Court Appointed Special Advocate contract.

CASA advocates investigate the circumstances of a child’s case; prepare reports for the court and make recommendations to the judge for medical and mental health care, educational assistance, and other services; and monitor case plans, court orders and hearings for compliance. Advocates ensure the child is in a safe home throughout their case; personally visit with the child; and help the child understand their situation and the court proceedings.

Also on the agenda is a proposed budget revision by Jacob Storm, lead for the county Information Technology department.

Commissioner Asia Williams is slated to give a commissioner's report, summarizing her Commissioner's Chat program guests as well as outlining future programs. She is also scheduled to discuss unspecified ongoing concerns, pending litigation and upcoming workshops. Williams also plans to take questions from the public.

The meeting is set to end with several executive sessions regarding possible hiring, the Public Defender's office and the county's Parks & Waterways department. Also scheduled for discussion under executive session is possible litigation. 

Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information; however, all decisions must be made in open session.

Board of Bonner County Commission meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 U.S. 2; and livestreamed via YouTube. To access the streams, go online to the Bonner County YouTube page at