Sunday, October 06, 2024

Do your own research, follow common sense

| July 30, 2024 1:00 AM

The letter (Daily Bee, July 23) by Sandpoint's climate denier-in-chief was, to put it mildly, somewhat of a revelation as to what his faith teaches. Or at least how those teachings relate to his "opinion." I never knew that God and Jesus taught their faithful to belittle and denigrate others for their honest views of the world and human affairs. Especially when they state what they believe based on the vast majority of scientific evidence and their own observations; in this case climate change and its likely cause. 

I also fail to see what some obscure early 20th-century philosopher has to do with the problems we face in the 21st century. I further wonder if this writer would care to produce his actual "truth" that there is no man-made climate change. I'm curious how he would react if he were to be called an enabler of dictatorial fascists. Does this individual, who likely has stock in the fossil fuel industry put his personal finances above mankind? I doubt that whatever God you believe in wants little to do with mindless sheep ruining the world he gave them because of their selfish needs. 

Finally, as for this May being or not being the hottest on record, just because we in North Idaho still have a congenial climate, others who offer their opinion were speaking about the entire planet, not just our tiny corner of it. Sunday, July 21, was the hottest day ever in recorded history; and Monday the 22nd immediately broke that record.

To the younger people who might be reading this, please do your own research and use your eyes and common sense, do not take the word of a prevaricator.

