Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Prayers for our elders, those struggling

by JANINE SHEPARD / Contributing Writer
| June 7, 2024 1:00 AM

I have some things the Lord has laid on my heart to pray for today. If you fall into either of these groups, please know I am praying personally for each of you.

Lord, I have some groups in our community that are on my heart tonight

First, Lord, I ask for a special blessing on the senior citizens of our community. All the ages are vital, Lord, but the seniors carry such a wisdom that we all need. Help us recognize their importance in our lives and honor them. 

This city was built by many of these men and women. We know many suffer from loneliness, so we pray You would not only be present with them but send people who can be Jesus with skin on to spend time with them. We thank you for the senior citizens.

Lord, I also want to lift the people within our community who struggle with mental health, specifically suicidal thoughts. We ask that You would fill them in ways that cause them to know of Your great love for them. We command the spirit of suicide to leave in Jesus’ Name. We ask that You help bring them what they need exactly when they need it and save lives, Lord. 

This is a huge problem, especially with our young people. They feel they are without hope, but You, Lord, are our hope. Show Yourself to them in ways that are undeniable. We see revival in some of our young people. Lord, help it ignite a flame in all our youth so that they can come to You. We know You want all to come to You.

You are a good, good Father and we thank You for Your hand upon us.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out. The Suicide Hotline Idaho’s number is 1-800-564-2120.

Praying along with you.

Pastor Janine Shepard is an ordained elder with the Church of the Nazarene.