Monday, July 01, 2024

Doubt is the enemy's favorite weapon

by SAM GARDNER / Contributing Writer
| June 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Doubt is the enemy's favorite weapon.

If he can get you to doubt what God has said or done, if he can get you to question the word of God, he wins in that moment. He now has a foothold to wreak havoc in your life.

Questioning the word of God caused the disobedience that led to the fall of man. If you read in Genesis 3, way back in the beginning, the snake asked Eve “did God really say that? He didn’t actually mean that, did he?” This caused her to question and consequently disobey.

I'm in no way saying you aren't allowed to question, to seek to understand. The important thing is where you seek your answers from. It's important what voice you allow into your life. Eve made a mistake by listening to the wrong voice about what God had to say.

You have doubts? Great! Doubts are an opportunity for growth. Start digging into scripture. Start seeking God on the matter. Remember that God will never contradict himself. If you are doubting something that God has said and it seems to be contradictory, that's just a clue that you are missing a piece of the puzzle.

Doubt is a call to re-evaluate and possibly shake off some misconceptions and man-made traditions that cloud our thinking. In Luke chapter 4, Jesus was tempted by the devil. He said, “if you are the son of God,” asking Jesus to question his identity. Jesus responded with scripture. He was saying, “no, I know what my Father says about me.”

Everything the enemy tried was counteracted by a solid faith in what God said. Jesus was fully God and fully man, I guarantee you that He was hungry. He was thirsty. But His response was always, “I know what my God says.” Even though this difficult reality is in front of me, I trust in what my Father says. 

Be cautious about the voices you listen to and always seek the voice of God. When faced with doubt, look to the truth. John 8:32: “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Sam Gardner ministers at New Fire Ministries in Ponderay