Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dover becomes 'Monarch' city

| June 15, 2024 1:00 AM

DOVER — Following Rathdrum, Dover has become a "Monarch City" — part of the community's long-standing commitment to protect and promote the endangered butterfly's habitat.

The council voted unanimously May 9 to accept the designation and set the first week of June as "Pollinator Week" under a proclamation signed by Mayor George Eskridge. The efforts are part of the city's dedication to its natural environment, city officials said.

One of a handful of U.S. cities with over 20% designated open space, Dover is home to many native plants, animals and beneficial insects. Last year, the Kaniksu Land Trust and the nonprofit Mighty Monarchs conservation group planted seven monarch butterfly habitats — known as monarch way stations — in the Pine Street Woods' meadow area.

Mighty Monarchs members have worked with Dover and surrounding communities to share information about monarch butterflies and other native pollinator insects and plants as well as create way stations and milkweed gardens in the community.

The western monarch butterfly begins its migration each spring from Baja and the California coast and travels north to Canada, said Dover resident De Trenbeath and member of the Mighty Monarchs.

"These incredible butterflies will complete approximately three life cycles and the offspring will arrive in Idaho during the month of June," Trenbeath said. "They will then propagate during the summer, using milkweed as its only food source in the larval stage."

The monarch butterflies will complete a couple of 30-day reproductive cycles and then begin its migration back to the warmer climates in early September. "This amazing butterfly will travel thousands of miles and overwinter at several locations along the California and northern Mexican coasts," Trenbeath said.

However, due to increased residential and commercial development as well as pesticide use and diminishing sources of milkweed, Trenbeath said the population of monarch butterflies in the West has declined by 97% since the 1980s. According to the Xerces Society, only 233,394 monarch butterflies were counted at 256 overwintering sites in the 2023-24 season.

"The city of Dover and its residents, along with local businesses, environmental groups, and surrounding communities can make a positive impact on protecting the monarch butterfly and other pollinators and promoting a native pollinator environment," Trenbeath said.

Planting native milkweed is one of the most important things communities and residents can do to help monarchs, she said. Female monarchs will only lay their eggs on milkweed, which is the sole food source of the developing caterpillars.

Planting other native plants such as Aster, Narrowleaf Penstemon and Goldenrod and non-native ornamentals such as Cosmos and Zinnia will help the monarch and other pollinators’ nectar source. 

"And equally important is becoming educated about the devastating effects of pesticides to our pollinator population," she said. "Ask your local nurseries if the plants are pesticide free. Establishing a pollinator friendly pesticide regimen will help protect the monarch and other vital pollinators."

Trenbeath encouraged area residents to join in the effort to help the butterflies and encourage their return to North Idaho, and help other pollinators thrive as well, said Trenbeath. That can be as easy as planting native milkweed and other native and flowering pollinating plants and taking the time to learn about the effects of pesticides and committing to a pollinator-friendly regimen, and local organizations like the Mighty Monarchs in their efforts. 

"Congratulations to Dover for making this important commitment to protect and support our monarch and entire pollinator population," said Trenbeath.

For more information about how to help monarch butterflies, contact the Mighty Monarch at themightymonarchs@gmail.com.