Thursday, October 17, 2024

Before calling names, look in the mirror

| June 18, 2024 1:00 AM

I fought my initial reaction in responding to Catherine Fahrig's letter (Daily Bee, June 9). It was going to be in a smart aleck, sarcastic style, but I decided not to stoop to that level.

If you read the letter you know what she said, and she has the right I suppose to her opinion. But the final comments are that Democrats are liars and cheats? First, where does she get her figures about exactly 278 Democrats voting for Jim Woodward after registering as Republican?

Cheating? How about rigging the election so it's closed to anyone but Republicans? How is disenfranchising a significant percentage of citizens not cheating? This state is basically ruled by the ultra-right GOP. So only they have the right to vote?

But there is a more basic principle here. Jim Woodward is a native-born Idahoan, as I am. Intelligent and served his country honorably in the Navy. How would you like to welcome a neighbor from out of state next door, only to have them come out in their yard and yell over, calling you liars and cheats? A person from Washington and California refugee Scott Herndon with an ultra-religious hypocritical axe to grind that he violates the very things he says he believes in, namely: Not to bear false witness against a neighbor? 

Before people start calling names, I suggest they go look in the mirror.

