Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Policies, county land on BOCC agenda

Staff Writer | March 3, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Two commissioner's items are on Tuesday’s agenda for the Bonner County commissioners’ regular business meeting.

Both commissioners Luke Omodt and Asia Williams have placed discussions on the list, regarding policy 440 and Bonner County land “as it relates to the application completed by Luke Almont in December of 2023.”

Also on the agenda are items from the Bonner County Clerk, Risk, Justice Services, Road and Bridge, and Human Resources departments regarding resolutions, contracts, job descriptions and monetary requests.

The meeting is set to end with one executive session discussing multiple human resource topics such as personnel, solid waste, emergency management, and auditing. Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information; however, all decisions must be made in open session.

Board of Bonner County Commission meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 U.S. 2; and also are live-streamed via YouTube. To access the streams, visit the Bonner County YouTube page at