Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bonner County History - March 10, 2024

| March 10, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 10, 1974 – ELKS HONOR OLD TIMERS

Nine members of the Elks Lodge were honored at an “Old Timers” meeting recently. Twenty-five year pins were presented by Exalted Ruler Dale Harris to Ward Tifft, Guerdon Congdon, Robert E. Johnson, Boyd Stevens, Harlow McConnaughey, Gilbert Norlen and Walter Kimsey. A 50-year pin was presented to Paul McKee of Noxon. Oldest member present at the meeting was Harold Hunter of Sagle with a membership record of 53 years.



Entertainment events are the hottest attractions to Spokane’s Expo ‘74 World’s Fair which runs from May 4 to Nov. 3. Hottest of the hottest so far is the spunky little Russian gymnast who won the world’s heart in the 1972 Olympics, Olga Korbut. Miss Korbut and fellow gold medal winner Ludmilla Tourischeva will head a group of Russian athletes scheduled at various times during Expo. “We’re getting thousands of orders for all the shows,” said an Expo spokesman, “but Olga is number one.” Next in popularity are The Carpenters, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Lawrence Welk, Bob Hope, and Jack Benny. 



There is a minor miracle going on at Sandpoint’s Washington School for first and second graders with learning problems. Their guardian angel is Principal Dick Bloom, who set up a special learning disability complex “to help each child with his or her problem and get them back into the regular classroom.” 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 10, 1949 – WALSON JOINS A.A.F.

Darrell Walson, 815 Superior, who has been accepted by the air force, departed Friday for Lackland Field, Tex., to begin his basic training.



Members of the SHS freshman class last Friday appeared at the Country Store stage show at the Panida Friday with two numbers from their recent assembly. The first was narrated by Charlene Jahnke, and acted by Shirley Decker, Darrell Fredstrom, Carol McNew, Virginia Sulzle, Bob Maxwell and Shirley Anderson. The second number featured soloist Donna Mackey, with a chorus composed of Fritz Holz, Gordon Bench, Lester Bergeron and Gary Pietsch, and pianist Firle Selle. Mrs. O.B. Parker is class advisor.  



Want a good dog for free? Acting Chief of Police H.H. McCrum would like to find homes for two black collies (?) [sic – apparently, they weren’t sure of the breed!] now at the city pound. They may be had for the small costs incurred in feeding them. “One of the dogs is about a year old. It looks like it could be a useful farm dog. The smaller one is still a pup and would make some youngster a fine pal,” McCrum said. Anyone interested should call the city police.

For more information, visit the museum online at bonnercountyhistory.org.